Osage and Cochineal Ombre Tea Towel
28” x 28” 100% Cotton Towel.
The towels are dyed using natural raw materials. Some of the dyestuffs will remain on the towel after curing. All towels have been pretreated to ensure colorfastness and longevity with proper care. Below is a description of the dye/s used.
OSAGE The saw dust from the osage tree (bodark, bowwood, bois d’ arc) is used to create this dye in studio. The tree grow in the south and central United States. They were planted to help with wind erosion and the wood was used to build fences, wagon wheels and bows.
COCHINEAL An important insect dye. The females of Dactylopius coccus colonize the prickly pear (nopal) cactus that are native to Mexico, Central and South America and the Canary Islands. The bugs are used to create the dye in studio.
Each towel is hand dipped in the different dye pots to create this effect. Every piece is individual.